Monday, December 7, 2009

Study Study Study.....

Welcome to a change of scenery. The 3rd Floor Lounge. The reason: padded furniture with armrests = comfy seating for my bum. The fact that it's a very social area is a good thing too. It's a really great place to read such books as War Without Mercy and Othello from last week and Red China Blue and To Stir the Heart for this week's reading. So it is yet another night of homework and studying for me. I have books to finish and essays to write. It's also the final week before finals. By this time a week from next I will be snuggled up at home on my own couch with my dogs. Or hanging out with my best friend since she'll be home for Christmas Break too unlike Thanksgiving. But right now, it's 12 degrees outside. At least it was sunny today....

(good book)
(it has pictures....)

(I'm probably buying these for my younger brother for Christmas. thank God for holiday discounts!)
(this pattern makes me think of Winter. my mum thinks it's too low cut. but she's older so her opinion on this top doesn't count. especially since I go to school so far away now....)

detailing: top-Forever21, Cardigan-Forever21, jeans-Pacsun

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