Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cabin Fever and Ghosts of Adventures Past

It feels like life right now is just a whole bunch of boring hours heaped on top of each other full of school work and more school work. I have lots of reading to do for a lot of my classes. So instead of going out and doing fun things with my friends and going on adventures, I'm stuck in my dorm room staring at a computer screen blankly with nothing to do when I take a quick break from staring at the pages of a book for hours. Let's face it, Facebook can be entertaining for only so long....

I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving in about two weeks. I can sleep on my couch and cuddle with my dogs and hang out with my friends and family without having to worry too much about school. It will be glorious. I'm hoping to fill up all my time with people when I'm not sleeping. I already talked to my older brother today about demanding we go see Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (my dad, my brother, and I most likely) while I'm home because it's not playing up here.... (which is stupid. I've been waiting for this with baited breath since I heard about it and was planning on seeing it opening night with my friends who're just as obsessed with the first movie as I am. Why would they decide on a limited release where I inconveniently am not living anymore at the moment? That's so uncool....) And hopefully there will be a choir reunion for everyone home who was in my chamber choir last year. And who knows what else besides eating my weight in turkey and pie with my whole family for a whole day (maybe two).

I'm just getting so anxious and desperate to go home. I'm getting cabin fever. I need an adventure this week. Desperately.

Here's some pictures from my last big adventure with my friends to Seattle:

(I always sit in the backseat.... those are my friends, by the way....)
(At a lookout over Seattle)

(We had late-night snack/dinner at Dicks almost every night)

(and Pike Place)
(wicked sweet chandelier at The Showbox)
(the whole reason we were in Seattle - my friend's band was playing at The Showbox. they're name was totally on the marquee. so we had to document it)

Oh, and here's basically what I wore today. I went and had lunch at my advisor's house with the rest of his freshman "advisees". It was great to get off campus and just hang out with good people and good food.
(I normally hate mirror pictures, but my camera's self-timer is being weird and my room mates weren't in the room when I was for most of the day, so there you go)

*Basically everything I wore was from Forever21 except the tights which are from American Apparel (given to me from my older brother who works there, so you know....)

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